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Conviction to Correction:
Behind the Walls

I started out as an innocent bystander, and I ended up suffering to the Bureau of Prison system. Because of Wesley’s prolonged disobedience to the law, I’ve allowed myself to become a victim for accepting child support without the use of the court of law. With courage and faith in God, I filed an appeal with the help of my mom, Pokey, Shay, Cynt, and Tonio purchasing me a private attorney; but I still lost. My wrongful conviction gave me insight as how to deal with unfair circumstances in my life.
After being taken from my family and friends, I now realized God had another plan and purpose for my life, one that did not involve a drug dealer taking care of me or retiring from Mercedes Benz, but going back to school to practice law to help the next person. I did not use my incarceration as an excuse for continued failure. Instead, I now live my life trusting in God, and more determined to do his will. Because of my faith and courage in God alone, he did not only deliver me from this difficult circumstance, he is also using me by telling my story so that other young ladies will not fall victim to the prison system by becoming involved with a baby daddy, boyfriend, or husband who’s a drug dealer.
With the knowledge and wisdom I have learned, I want to help prove God’s existence and power to others as well. We need people in our justice system who will create wise solutions toward the various problems of our justice system and in our community such as more schools, rehabs, and just simple counseling, to transform and redirect our minds. I can never sit back and accept whatever has been handed down to me again. I will put up a fight so that the human race can start being treated more justly.

Conviction to Correction:
Beyond the Walls

I’m a strong young black woman, and it wasn’t that I deserve less; I’ve just accepted less along the way. But now I’m striving to be the best I can be because this lasting impression that my trials and hardships left upon me was just a minor setback for this major comeback that’s coming my way. Honest, fair, responsible, and hardworking are what I strive to be. I know my worth, and I walk with confidence because my attitude will determine my direction in life just as it is already showing now. Two things I have learned for sure that will define a human being is your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything, or shall I say all you need. The sense of losing something and never recovering it is a different kind of pain. I lost thirty months in prison and six months in the halfway house that I’ll never be able to recover. This has had mental effects on me and will probably follow me the rest of my life because it is permanent and ever present. It can’t go away, nor can it ever be compensated for. No matter how I distract myself or see the good that has come behind my incarceration, there will always be deep sense of sadness that will always be with me because the painful reality of the loss will return, which was leaving my children behind parentless because of evil and guilty people who are trying to snitch their way out of trouble and a corrupt justice system that wants convictions and allows them knowing that they’re going to just go out and commit another crime!
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